Friday, January 28, 2011

Writing on Wasp Nests?

Have you ever wondered who invented paper?  Well, many people believe that the Chinese Emperor Ts'ai Lun invented paper.  In reality, the true inventors of paper are paper wasps, or sometimes called umbrella wasps.  These wasps use a paper like material to create their nests.  The shape of these nests resemble an upside down umbrella, hence the name.
To create this paper like material, the wasps collect the fibrous materials from dead wood and stems.  Then they mix these fiber with their saliva.  Then they mold the mixture around a central stalk and form the upside down umbrella shape.  These wasps are very social so they can create these nests very quickly.

Other wasps make similar materials ,but use chewed plant material instead of the dead wood and stem fiber.  Instead of binding the nest together with saliva, they use a silky material. 

Paper wasps are usually about 3/4 to 1 inch in length.  Most paper wasps are either brown, black, or reddish in color with yellow markings, similar to yellow jackets and hornets.  These wasps are not very aggressive unless their nest is disturbed.  Hornets and yellow jackets are usually aggressive by nature.

Paper wasps have created a substance that revolutionized our way of life today.  Without wasps making paper, we wouldn't be able to make paper airplanes, print reports, or even have money!  These insects provided us with the thing we need to thrive.  I find it interesting how we can learn so many things from nature.  When you get a chance, observe your backyard.  Who knows... you could get the idea for the next great invention.

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