Friday, January 28, 2011

Writing on Wasp Nests?

Have you ever wondered who invented paper?  Well, many people believe that the Chinese Emperor Ts'ai Lun invented paper.  In reality, the true inventors of paper are paper wasps, or sometimes called umbrella wasps.  These wasps use a paper like material to create their nests.  The shape of these nests resemble an upside down umbrella, hence the name.
To create this paper like material, the wasps collect the fibrous materials from dead wood and stems.  Then they mix these fiber with their saliva.  Then they mold the mixture around a central stalk and form the upside down umbrella shape.  These wasps are very social so they can create these nests very quickly.

Other wasps make similar materials ,but use chewed plant material instead of the dead wood and stem fiber.  Instead of binding the nest together with saliva, they use a silky material. 

Paper wasps are usually about 3/4 to 1 inch in length.  Most paper wasps are either brown, black, or reddish in color with yellow markings, similar to yellow jackets and hornets.  These wasps are not very aggressive unless their nest is disturbed.  Hornets and yellow jackets are usually aggressive by nature.

Paper wasps have created a substance that revolutionized our way of life today.  Without wasps making paper, we wouldn't be able to make paper airplanes, print reports, or even have money!  These insects provided us with the thing we need to thrive.  I find it interesting how we can learn so many things from nature.  When you get a chance, observe your backyard.  Who knows... you could get the idea for the next great invention.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mexican Redknee Tarantula

The Mexican Redknee tarantula is large in size.  They can grow to sizes of 5 to 5 1/2 inches in length.  That is about the size of a dollar bill.  The average weight of 15 grams.  There average lifespan is about 20 years.  They mature relatively slowly compared to other tarantulas.

These tarantulas are usually found in the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre de Sur mountain ranges in Mexico. 

They are mostly brownish-black in color but have reddish-orange patches at the knees- hence the name.  Their color is more vivid after they molt.  They usually molt annually until they mature.

The Redknee tarantula kick special hair, called urticating hairs when they feel disturbed.  They would rather do this than bite.  This tarantula i not venomous to humans, so they are easily handled in captivity.

Redknee tarantulas live in burrows.  These burrows allow them to hide from predators and to ambush prey.  Their burrows have a single entrance, only a little bigger than its body.  The tunnel is about three times the size of the tarantula.  The entrance of the tunnel could be sealed if the tarantula needed privacy, such as when they molted.

The Mexican Redknee tarantula is a threatened species.  They are threatened due to excess export.  People who live near the tarantulas' burrows are afraid of them and made a nasty habit of killing them.  I think that is is inhumane to kill something just because you are afraid of it.  If I were one of the people who lived near the burrows I would just leave them alone.  They don't harm them and are not a treat to anyone.  What would you do?


Friday, January 14, 2011

Tragedy in Tuscon

               Last Saturday, there was a shooting in Tuscon, Arizona at a meeting outside of a grocery store.  multiple people were shot and 6 people were killed.  The killer would have continued his killing spree if it wasn't for two people that tackled the gunman, causing the shooting to stop.  It was because of these two brave people that more people were not injured.  That is an act of kindness that shows how people are supposed to protect each other- how people  are supposed to fight for each other.
              I was watching the movie "2012" over the weekend and heard one of the characters say the following quote:
“We have to stop this Madness.  I know we’ve all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization, but to be human means to care for each other and civilization means  to work together to create a better life.  If that’s true then there is nothing human and nothing civilized about what we’re doing here. Limited resources and limited time is no excuse for this inhumane treatment toward one another. Ask yourselves can we just stand by and watch these people die?  The moment we stop fighting for each other that’s the moment we lose our humanity. Everyone has died in vain if we continue to communicate with continuous acts of cruelty and violence. What will we tell our children? What will they tell theirs?”
When he said this, he was talking about, if you saw the movie, closing the gates to the arcs that were meant to the human race from the disasters occurring in2012.  Another character refuses to open the gates because it would be risking the lives of everyone on the arc.  Finally they decided to open the gates to let every one else in because he realized that it was the right thing to do.  
I feel that this quote relates to how people should act.  People should want to do what is right.  The people who stopped the gunman during the shooting in Tuscon did what was right.  I feel that everyone should follow in their footsteps and do what is right, even if times are tough.
I would like to remember the people who were injured, killed, or who knew anyone who was affected by this tragedy.  God bless them. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions

     Every year, many people make New Year's Resolutions to act on throughout the new year.  This year, I have made a list of my goals.  I have been wanting to do some of these for a long time, but never did.  This year, I will accomplish my goals.
                                                                  My Goals

Goal #1My first goal is to do a good deed every day.  I want to do a good deed every day because I take for granted the nice things that people do for me on a daily basis.  In return for people's kind effort, I plan on doing something nice for someone every day.  For example, if someone drops their books in the hall, I would help him/her pick them up.  I would be doing a kind thing that would help people in their everyday life. 
Goal #2 My next goal is to organize a community service project.  I want to do this because I want to help my community become a better place.  I think that people would appriciate a cleaner community.  I have seen the pollution in some areas of the community and it is not a pretty sight.  I was thinking that a good place to clean would be on a beach where there is always pollution in the sand.  To do this I will consult with my Boy Scout Troop for help.

Goal #3 My third resolution is to be more organized.  I want to be more organized because i am having trouble keeping track of where things are. To become more organized, I will do the simplest thing you can do to keep track of things- color code.  I have seen people do this and I know it works.  To color coordinate, I will make everything for a certain class on color andthe same for another.  For example, green for science, blue for math, red for English, etc.

Goal #4 My fourth goal is to recycle.  I know that recycling is good for the planet ,but I am guilty of throwing plastic bottles in the trash.  To keep to this resolution, I will simply throw my bottles in the recycling bin.
Goal #6 My last goal is to make it to the rank of First Class in Scouting ( I am a Boy Scout).  Currently I am the rank of Tenderfoot.  To meet my goal, I have to make two ranks by the end of the year.  The only way I can do that is with determination.

     As you can see, I have made some goals for mysellf to accomplish during the new year.  I would love to hear what you plan on accomplishing this year.

Goal #5  My fifth goal is to read the Bible.  I have acually attempted to read it but I never seem to have the time.  I figure, there about 80 books in the Catholic Bible (about) so if I read one book a day, I'll be done in 80 days.  I think that I can do it.