Friday, January 14, 2011

Tragedy in Tuscon

               Last Saturday, there was a shooting in Tuscon, Arizona at a meeting outside of a grocery store.  multiple people were shot and 6 people were killed.  The killer would have continued his killing spree if it wasn't for two people that tackled the gunman, causing the shooting to stop.  It was because of these two brave people that more people were not injured.  That is an act of kindness that shows how people are supposed to protect each other- how people  are supposed to fight for each other.
              I was watching the movie "2012" over the weekend and heard one of the characters say the following quote:
“We have to stop this Madness.  I know we’ve all been forced to make difficult decisions to save our human civilization, but to be human means to care for each other and civilization means  to work together to create a better life.  If that’s true then there is nothing human and nothing civilized about what we’re doing here. Limited resources and limited time is no excuse for this inhumane treatment toward one another. Ask yourselves can we just stand by and watch these people die?  The moment we stop fighting for each other that’s the moment we lose our humanity. Everyone has died in vain if we continue to communicate with continuous acts of cruelty and violence. What will we tell our children? What will they tell theirs?”
When he said this, he was talking about, if you saw the movie, closing the gates to the arcs that were meant to the human race from the disasters occurring in2012.  Another character refuses to open the gates because it would be risking the lives of everyone on the arc.  Finally they decided to open the gates to let every one else in because he realized that it was the right thing to do.  
I feel that this quote relates to how people should act.  People should want to do what is right.  The people who stopped the gunman during the shooting in Tuscon did what was right.  I feel that everyone should follow in their footsteps and do what is right, even if times are tough.
I would like to remember the people who were injured, killed, or who knew anyone who was affected by this tragedy.  God bless them. 

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