Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This Bug Is No Lady

     Despite popular belief, lady bugs are not only ladies.  In fact, there are male lady bugs.  Ladybugs also can be called ladybird beetles.  The reason they are called ladybugs (or ladybird beetles- whichever one you prefer,) are because Mary (Our Lady) in the Catholic religion, was often painted wearing a red cloak.  The seven black spots on the ladybug are said to represent Mary's Seven Sorrows and her Seven Joys.  It is a myth that the amount of spots on a ladybug gives away its age.  In reality, most ladybugs have seven, distinct spots. 

     Ladybugs are like any other insect.  They have three body parts and six legs.  Lady bugs are usually a bright red used to ward away predators that try to harm them.  If a predator attacks them they spray out a venomous toxin and secrete a chemical that prevents it from being eaten.
     Ladybugs live for between 1 to 2 years.  They begin as eggs.  After 3 to 4 days, the eggs hatch into larvae.   After two weeks, the larvae start to pupate.  After a few days the become adults. 
     Ladybugs eat aphids and other small bugs.  In fact, farmers introduce ladybugs to crops infested with pests.  It is a safer alternative to pesticides ,but can wipe out native species of bugs.  This has happened in many places.  Do you think that farmers should use foreign ladybugs to control pests?


  1. Dear Joe,
    I always knew about the Life Cycle of a Ladybug... but what I didn't know was that Ladybugs were named after Mary. I do think that ladybugs should be let out on farms because of all the insects they eat. I wanted to know, what Ladybugs eat in the pupa stage? I also see that you put a video into your post, notice how it comes out of your post, I can teach you how to fix that.

  2. Dear Joe,

    I think farmers shouldn't use distant pestides and use local ones. The proof is there that it is harmful but they do it anyway. There is always a new way.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice blog Joe! I had a ladybugs on me a several times and there's a weird feeling always when it's crawling on my hand or finger. I also remember there were tons of ladybugs on the dinning building at Camp Bernie and on the climbing tower. Don't you remember that? It was sort of annoying. Ya like ladybugs?
