Friday, May 6, 2011

This Is A Blog About Bugs- Beware if You Have Entomophobia

Remember when you were a little kid, playing in your attic, and how that bug started crawling up your leg?  Remember how you screamed at the top of  lungs and how your mother practically tripped over herself trying to get upstairs so she could see that you are okay?  Now, if you have the same reaction every time you see a bug, you have entomophobia.

Entomophobia is the fear of insects and any other thing that crawls around.  Similar fears include arachnephobia, the fear of spiders, apiphaphobia, the fear of bees, and myrmecophobia, the fear of ants.  Entophobia is an irrational fear that, like all fears, can cause severe emotional response, anxiety, and a panic attack.  
Entophobia is often confused with an aversion to insects.  Aversion is a natural fear to bugs that can cause harm. Humans have had this kind of aversion for hundreds of thousands of years.  Although aversion is completely natural, it can turn into a phobia if the fear becomes more immense.

Most phobias have the same symptoms as entophobia.  Endophbics can experience much distress if in contact with a bug.  If the fear is potent enough, the person may loose consciousness.  In addition to the same symptoms, they also have similar treatments.  Treatments include medication, therapy, and counseling.

Everyone has fears, but if they let them out of control, they can become phobias.  Phobias can cause much difficulty in life, and may make it impossible to enjoy your day.  You should not let your fears go to your head.    An anonymous person once said, "Each time we face our fears, we gain strength, courage, and the confidence in doing."  Keep this quote in mind the next time a bug crawls up your leg.

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