Friday, December 17, 2010

What Causes the Common Cold?

During this time of year, many people become ill with the common cold.  You are probably wondering- what causes the common cold?  Well, the main cause of the common cold rhinovirus is a virus called rhinovirus.  The reason it is called the rhinovirus is because the Greek prefix "rhin" means nose, where they usually reproduce.  They have to be between 33 and 35 degrees Celsius to reproduce.  The nose is the perfect temperature.  There are 99 known rhinoviruses know to infect humans.  These viruses are relatively small compared to the smallpox virus.
The cold is transmitted two different ways.  It can be transmitted though coughing and/or sneezing or by direct contact.  The most colds in the United States happen between September and April.  This is because this is the start of the school year where many kids are close together.  During this time of year, more people stay indoors, which increases the chance of the transmission of the disease.
The common cold has many symptoms.   Symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, itchy or soar throat, a cough, body aches or a headache, a mild fever, and sneezing.  The cold is contagious.
There is no cure for the common cold.  Luckily, the ailment is harmless.  The only thing you can do is to drink a lot of fluids and to rest.  The transmission of the disease can be prevented if you wash your hands frequently.  If you are sick, you should stay home from work or school so more people do not catch it.



  1. Thank you for this great information on the common cold. Your information and video are good examples of helping others understand what causes a cold. When we know what causes something, we can work to prevent it from happening in the first place.

    Are there specific things you've found in your research that will help prevent the common cold? What suggestions do you have for your fellow students or others reading your blog.

    Keep up the great work with your blog! Do you mind if I use this as an example with 5th graders I'm working with!

    Stay healthy!

    Instructional Coach

  2. Good stuff! How will you use this new information? Was this an assingment or did you just want to know this information and decided to share it?

    Mr. C
    Noel Elementary

  3. Wow Joe I never knew that the common cold would be soo contagious!
