Thursday, September 16, 2010

Save the Honey Bees

Honey bees have been rapidly disappearing without explanation. The honey bee population has been declining since 2006. This is called colony collapse disorder. Scientists think that it may be due to either disease or that there aren't enough flowers for bees to pollinate due to over-development. The result is that millions of adult bees mysteriously disappear from the colony.
The disappearing of the bees isn't the only problem. We rely on the honey bees to pollinate crops and flowers. Without the honey bees, the crops wouldn't be pollinated. If the crops aren't pollinated, they won't grow. That means there wouldn't be any fruits, vegetables, nuts or honey. The honey bees aren't the only ones affected. We are all affected by it.

Some AWESOME pictures of honeybees!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Joseph!
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    And i also like honey bees.
    Awesome title!
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    See yah!
